Africa tends to undervalue the little things that have the potential to get the continent out of the poverty cycle. These seemingly minute points have the power to garner continental unity, solidarity, and economic growth. One of these things is the perception and handling of refugees in different African countries.
Photocredit:REUTERS/Afolabi Sotunde
Refugees are forcibly displaced people. They flee unpleasant situations such as persecution, war, violence, starvation and more. Refuge and asylum-seeking is an ongoing process in Africa, given that the continent is not entirely at peace in terms of tensions, conflicts, and wars between some African countries. Furthermore, African countries are more exposed to natural disasters such as flooding, climate change, and other conditions which are enough to get thousands of people displaced. This forces them to migrate to neighboring countries in an attempt to find safety, refuge, peace, and settlement. Although Africa has numerous problems to address for the betterment of the continent for instance, eradicating poverty, improving health, promoting gender equality, maintaining environmental sustainability, and strengthening the political alliance; African community changers believe that refugees and asylum-seekers are under-considered and not adequately being focused on, there is an unbalanced prioritization, and thus the continent is facing some consequential economic and social problems. African community changers believe that if African countries are to agree on opening doors and borders to refugees and asylum seekers or ease the policies regarding refugees, irrespective of tensions and hate, Africa can be more collaborative and economically strong. ACC is aware that a lot is currently being done; we applaud countries such as Uganda and several others who are continuously showing generosity to displaced Africans. Some African countries are still undecided about whether to accept or reject refugees. However, we think this is an issue that is not disputable at all. The continent needs to come to a point where refugees can feel comfortable and welcomed by their African brothers and sisters. The ability of refugees has been incessantly undermined to the extent that we mostly look at the negative sides only. There is also a popular belief that refugees do nothing but deteriorate economies. These and more lead to our brothers and sisters being miserably treated, kept in unhygienic camps without clean water, electricity, and necessities, and more devastatingly, destroying the dreams and ambitions of these young Africans. They feel like outsiders while living on their continent which should have been a place of opportunities and possibilities for them. ACC has realized that Africa can achieve more than just development if all countries are to initiate an open door policy to refugees across Africa. Refugees should have access to the resources, education, employment, documentations, the right to start businesses and be provided with the same treatment as the nationals, rather than being viewed as smugglers, criminals, and strangers. Some of these refugees are people who have skills and talents which when harnessed can foster economic development. ACC is aware that among the genuine refuge seekers, there can be those with bad intentions; smugglers and human traffickers. Human trafficking and smuggling is also a big issue in Africa. However, these are resolvable issues. Law enforcement agencies should carry out their duties to combat these crimes. Countries can invest in and tighten the law enforcement agencies. It’s with no doubt that Africa can fight most societal problems through serving its people rightly. Refugees can make positive and valuable contributions to the host country. Among refugees are skilled people such as doctors, nurses, lawyers, engineers, farmers, entrepreneurs, innovators and more who can play constructive roles to boost economic growth and development. African community changers urge all African countries to withdraw restrictions and initiate the policy of accepting refugees despite the country’s challenges. Africans should move peacefully within Africa, safety and protection should be provided for all Africans. Governments should provide refugees with land to produce agricultural products and promote the agribusiness sectors. Every African country should allow these people to promote trade and bring innovation. AFRICA MUST UNITE!


  1. Amazing Write up. Great job to African Community Changers Team


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